
A 5-day Proprioceptive Writing Immersion in Litchfield, CT,
July 25–30, 2021

Linda Trichter Metcalf, PW’s Founder and author ofWriting the Mind Alive, The Proprioceptive Method for Finding Your Authentic Voiceleads this immersion in the foothills of the Berkshires. Wisdom House, an interfaith retreat house, is a peaceful, contemplative setting, with a labyrinth, a swimming pool, and walkways with lovely vistas. It is just outside the colonial-era town of Litchfield. We write together and read our Writes twice a day, with an optional evening Write. To provide the kind of social distancing needed right now, each participant will have their own room and a private (not shared) bathroom. We’ll have plenty of space in both the writing and reading rooms. To ensure the appropriate conditions during this pandemic, we’re limiting participation. Nutritious meals are provided, so all you have to do is turn towards your thoughts.  

Read more about PW Immersions Here

Find more about the retreat center: Wisdom House.

This retreat begins with check in at 4PM on Sunday and ends after lunch on Friday.

Download the daily schedule here

For pricing and to register, go to Store