A Six-Week Series via Zoom
This series is for anyone wishing to get started with Proprioceptive Writing® (PW), or renew their practice. At each meeting, you and your PW teacher explore elements of the proprioceptive method through the lens of your Writes (the texts that result from your PW sessions). In response to your Writes, your PW teacher stimulates inquiry into your thinking.
The series are offered in two formats. In one, everyone writes together on the call. In the other, participants bring a Write to the call.
These small-group sessions run between one and two hours depending on the number of participants. See current dates, times, and formats here:
To schedule private or semi-private sessions, contact Carrie@pwriting.org.

“Quite simply, this writing practice saved my life. At age fifty, the safety of Proprioceptive Writing led me gently back to heal the crippling grief of a motherless childhood and guided me through the chaos of breast cancer.”
- Ginny Keegan
How do thinking patterns change? How do personal hurts and resentments diminish? How do ideas and feelings about oneself and others mature? How does compassion arise?
Try Practicing Proprioceptive Writing 4 times a week for 3 months!
Typically, with 3 months of regular Proprioceptive Writing® (PW) practice (a minimum of 4 Writes weekly), people experience the expansion of consciousness that allows for positive transformations in perception of self and others. As you continue to explore your ideas, feelings, beliefs, and experience through PW, your teacher emphasizes elements of the proprioceptive method meant to strengthen your mind’s ability to communicate with itself.
Participants post all Writes on a class board and bring one to the weekly meeting over Zoom. Prior experience with PW is required (e.g., a PW Immersion or at least 2 rounds of Exploring the Basics of PW).
This 12-week series may be scheduled privately or semi-privately. For information, contact Carrie@pwriting.org.

“If there was ever a process that could show you yourself in slow and compassionate doses, Proprioceptive Writing is it. I‘ve relied on it for over eighteen years, and it’s never let me down.”
- Jane Burdick
The Four Courses in Theory & Practice introduce participants to ideas about consciousness that emerged from PW practice. These courses are open to any practitioner interested in evolving consciousness through a deeper engagement with Proprioceptive Writing®.
By analogy to the body’s sense of proprioception, the course proposes that the mind is also proprioceptive; It has the innate capacity to communicate with and learn from itself. This course is designed to give participants a firm grasp of the theory of mental proprioception and related concepts. The writings of William James and Walter Ong, among others, are referenced.
“Getting a hold of this new model for consciousness has radically altered my relationship to my mind. It has affected the way I think and feel about myself and others.”— Bill H., PW practitioner
This course asks: why is our relationship to our mother (or mother-figure) central to our experience of ourselves? Every school of psychology has an answer to this question. This course takes as its premise D.W. Winnicott’s theory that a communication system between infant and good-enough mother-figure awakens in the infant’s mind its sense of self. We’ll explore the implications of this premise and its relevance to the model of mental proprioception.
“This course gave me a whole new way to think about my mother and myself.”— Grace K., writer, PW practitioner
The more awareness we develop of social and cultural forces influencing consciousness, such as sex/gender, racial designation, economic status, class affiliation, the greater our understanding of ourselves. Using sex/gender as our example, this course introduces participants to a study of social conditioning. Various feminist texts help us question basic assumptions of sex/gender and their impact on the subjective sense of self.
“Our social conditioning is so strong in us, and yet we’re so unaware of it because it has always been there - like the water we’re swimming in. It’s amazing to begin to recognize that conditioning…the more you recognize it, the less power it has over you.”— Maggie F., Digital Media Specialist
This course is for anyone interested in hearing Writes (your own or others) proprioceptively, that is, from within an internal communication system which brings the listener into harmony with the Write.
Participants study sample Writes through Writes of their own, choosing one for discussion during the weekly conference call with PWC Faculty.
“I took the course because I wanted to learn more about how to hear my own Writes proprioceptively. I learned so much. The course propelled me to another level of hearing myself, and consequently changed how I hear others.”— Jake C., Episcopal Priest

“This tool/process/completely magical way of hearing my own voice is changing my life. I am already experiencing greater self-confidence and self-trust along with an incredible feeling of being alive and curious about myself!”
- Chauntelle Casanova-Droz
To help you support your Proprioceptive Writing® practice, we offer read-arounds. In read-arounds, a small group gathers via Zoom for a writing and reading session. A facilitator is present to conduct the writing session and hold the group to its purpose. Writes are neither discussed nor commented on. The benefits of these gatherings emerge from setting a time to write, reading your own Writes aloud, and hearing others read theirs. If you can’t make the writing session, you can still join 30 minutes in and bring a Write to the call.
Read-arounds are offered on a subscription basis. When you sign up for a 3-month period, you can attend as many sessions as you wish. Once you sign-up, we’ll send you Zoom links to join the calls.
Questions? Contact Carrie@pwriting.org