The Proprioceptive Writing Center is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
"I don’t know what people do without this tool.
If everyone had it, there’d be much less upset in the world."
– Kate Appel, artist
As an independent nonprofit, we are sustained by the generosity of our community. With your help, we can continue to encourage the teaching and practice of PW. Your contributions allow us to meet costs and to offer some financial aid to help students cover tuition.
Over the last 45 years, thousands of individuals have expressed immense gratitude for having found PW. They report that the practice has expanded their self-awareness, and in the process greatly improved their relationship with themselves and with others.

Help us Keep PW Alive and Well in the World
All donations are tax deductible.
To Donate By Check
Make your check out to the PWC and send to:
The Proprioceptive Writing Center
1001 53rd Street
Oakland, CA 94608
To give in honor or in memory of someone, contact us here. We’ll notify all recipients you specify and, with your approval, recognize your gift in our newsletter.