We offer online and in-person series and immersions on a regular basis. Below is our upcoming schedule. You can also schedule private sessions with Linda Trichter Metcalf and PWCenter faculty. Get more information here.

The PW Instructor Course
to Oct 23

The PW Instructor Course

If you want to introduce Proprioceptive Writing to others with confidence in yourself and what you are teaching, this course is for you.

You’ll learn how to teach the basics of PW while creating and maintaining guidelines and protocols essential to PW practice.

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A Weekend PW Immersion  via Zoom
to Nov 10

A Weekend PW Immersion via Zoom

Proprioceptive Writing® (PW) Immersions are a good way to begin with PW as well as support an on-going practice. Immersions allow you to practice PW in a circle of others while you learn how to use writing as a way to heighten consciousness…

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8-week series with Linda Trichter Metcalf via Zoom
to Dec 17

8-week series with Linda Trichter Metcalf via Zoom

In these Zoom sessions, practitioners gain the benefits of a weekly Proprioceptive Writing teaching in a small gathering on the phone. In each session you read your Write and listen to others read theirs. Linda responds fully to each Write, engaging writers in discussion when useful.

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Exploring the Basics
to Oct 21

Exploring the Basics

Led by PWCenter Faculty Kim Chandler, this series is for anyone wishing to establish, sustain or reinvigorate a Proprioceptive Writing practice.

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A 4-Day Proprioceptive Writing Immersion
to Sep 8

A 4-Day Proprioceptive Writing Immersion

During this 4-day immersion, led by PW's founder, Linda Trichter Metcalf and PWCenter Faculty, Anne Bright, you'll learn to hear inner thought as voice, translate thought into language, and exercise your mind's capacity to sense itself.

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8-week series with Linda Trichter Metcalf via Zoom
to Oct 22

8-week series with Linda Trichter Metcalf via Zoom

In these Zoom sessions, practitioners gain the benefits of a weekly Proprioceptive Writing teaching in a small gathering. In each session you read your Write and listen to others read theirs. Linda responds fully to each Write, engaging writers in discussion when useful.

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SOLD OUT: 5-Day PW Immersion at Trinity Retreat Center
to Aug 8

SOLD OUT: 5-Day PW Immersion at Trinity Retreat Center

Linda Trichter Metcalf, the originator of PW and author of Writing the Mind Alive, leads this 5-day immersion.

We will write twice each day with a third, optional Write held in the evenings. In response to your Writes, Linda guides you towards hearing yourself in new, often liberating ways.

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2-Day PW Teacher and Instructor Retreat
to Aug 2

2-Day PW Teacher and Instructor Retreat

This retreat is for certified Proprioceptive Writing teachers and instructors, and takes place prior to the 5-Day Immersion at Trinity. Participants may come for this retreat and stay for the 5-Day Immersion following, or attend the retreat only.

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Exploring the Basics
to Jul 30

Exploring the Basics

Led by PWCenter Faculty Kim Chandler, this series is for anyone wishing to establish, sustain or reinvigorate a Proprioceptive Writing practice.

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2-Day Zoom Immersion
to Jun 2

2-Day Zoom Immersion

Proprioceptive Writing® (PW) Immersions are a good way to begin with PW as well as support an on-going practice. Immersions allow you to practice PW in a circle of others while you learn how to use writing as a way to heighten consciousness…

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8-week series with Linda Trichter Metcalf via Zoom
to Jul 16

8-week series with Linda Trichter Metcalf via Zoom

In these Zoom sessions, practitioners gain the benefits of a weekly Proprioceptive Writing teaching in a small gathering on the phone. In each session you read your Write and listen to others read theirs. Linda responds fully to each Write, engaging writers in discussion when useful.

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Exploring the Basics
to Jun 25

Exploring the Basics

Led by PWCenter Faculty Kim Chandler, this series is for anyone wishing to establish, sustain or reinvigorate a Proprioceptive Writing practice.

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How to Hear Your Inner Self
to May 17

How to Hear Your Inner Self

A 5-Day Proprioceptive Writing Immersionat Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health: A Different Kind of Writing Retreat

What does it mean to really hear yourself? Unlike ordinary hearing, really hearing yourself is like entering a world where you know yourself differently than you did before.

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The Sense of Self and the Mother Dance (Copy)
to May 2

The Sense of Self and the Mother Dance (Copy)

This 9-week PW workshop offers a deep dive into the perception of the mother-figure and how it shapes us. It brings radical new thinking to this initial communication system, which kickstarts the stories we tell about ourselves. The series grew out of hearing thousands of Writes, where the mother inevitably appears, and can block access to our inner knowing.

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5-Day PW Immersion in NYC
to Feb 22

5-Day PW Immersion in NYC

  • 167 Spring Street New York, NY, 10012 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Work with Proprioceptive Writing Founder and author of Writing the Mind Alive, Linda Trichter Metcalf. Learn how to go into your thoughts, find their roots in experience, and come to a better understanding…

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Schedule Private or Small-Group Sessions

Exploring the Basics

If you cannot take this course at the time it is being offered, you may arrange for private sessions, or we may be able to create a small-group call at a time that works better for you.

6 Sessions with
PWCenter Faculty

Semi-private (2 people):
$425 per person

Private: $495

The Fruits of a Daily Practice

This series is offered privately, semi-privately, and in small-group sessions.

3 Months with
PWCenter Faculty

Small-group (3-6 people):
$625 per person

Semi-private: $830 per person

Private: $985

Some experience with PW is recommended, either having attended an immersion or at least 2 rounds of Exploring the Basics.

Private PW Sessions with Linda Trichter Metcalf

If you have had experience with PW and are interested in a detailed and comprehensive reading of your Writes, Linda is available for private sessions.

In each session, there is an in-depth consideration of the Writes you bring to the call.

1 Session: $200.00
3 Sessions:
6 Sessions:

If you’d like to register for one of the above, you can pay for your preferred series via the links above, and then email Carrie@pwriting.org to schedule.


Weekly Series and Immersions via Zoom

Before the call begins: Refund minus $50 administrative fee, or credit applies in full to another series or immersion offered through the PWCenter within 1 year. Once a series or immersion begins, tuition is non-refundable.

3-5 day PWCenter Immersions

Up to 2 weeks prior to the start: tuition refunded minus $100 administrative fee. Within 2 weeks of the start: 50% of tuition refunded or credit issued, minus $100 administrative fee. Credit may be applied to another immersion or series offered through the PWCenter within one year. Student is responsible for Santa Sabina’s and Trinity’s cancellation policies regarding room, board, and facility fees. Once an immersion begins, tuition and fees are non-refundable.


Your contact information is not shared by The PWCenter. If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, contact us at office@pwriting.org. The PWCenter is not responsible for practices and policies of other websites linked to the PWCenter’s site.