The Proprioceptive Method for Finding Your Authentic Voice
“This book offers a unique writing approach that breaks right through writer’s block, opens up inner treasures you didn’t dream possible, and allows you to know yourself in an intimate, exciting way.”
— Jill Morris, Ph.D.
Author of The Dream Workbook
Writing the Mind Alive: The Proprioceptive Method for Finding Your Authentic Voice, co-authored by Drs. Linda Trichter Metcalf and Tobin Simon, was published by Ballantine Books in 2002. The book describes the practice of Proprioceptive Writing® and illustrates how it fosters intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth. It serves as an essential tool for establishing and deepening a PW practice.
Writing the Mind Alive is now available as an audiobook. Download on Audible or Apple Books.
"Writing the Mind Alive is the first writing book of the new millennium, and-in the tradition of Peter Elbow, Natalie Goldberg, and Anne
Lamott - the next classic in the field. Metcalf and Simon’s emphasis on
hearing is a radically new contribution."
— Kaitlin A. Briggs, Ed.D.
Associate Director, Honors and Writing Thesis Research,The University of Southern Maine