Find An Instructor
Proprioceptive Writing Center Faculty have a firm grounding in the principles of the proprioceptive method and years of teaching experience. They offer classes and intensives through the PWCenter, train and act as mentors to new instructors and teachers, and are involved in the ongoing organization and development of the PWCenter.
PWCenter Director, Head of Faculty
Oakland, CA / USA
(510) 219-1560
PWCenter Co-director, Faculty
Chattanooga, TN / USA
(423) 605-0525
PWCenter Faculty
Saranac Lake, NY / USA
PWCenter Faculty
Newport, RI / USA
PWCenter Faculty
Amsterdam / NL
Adjunct Faculty have a long history with the Proprioceptive Writing Center and in various ways have helped to bring Proprioceptive Writing into the world.
Kaitlin A. Briggs, Ed. D.
Portland, ME / USA
Sandra Deer
Arden, NC / USA
(404) 423-529
Ginny Keegan
Yarmouth, ME / USA
Charles Melcher
Portland, ME / USA
(207) 321-1468
Proprioceptive Writing Instructors are certified to conduct introductory sessions in PW, using Writing the Mind Alive as a text for clarifying ideas integral to the proprioceptive method.
Sondra Beaulieu
New York, NY / USA
(570) 709-1472
Mariam Bowen
Montreal, Quebec / Canada
(514) 813-6793
Alena Eckelman
Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto / Japan
+81 (0)80-3122-1377
Wendi Furman
Philadelphia, PA / USA
Lara Gerstein
New York, NY / USA
Dawn Goodman
(401) 829-1957
Tzivia Gover
Northampton, MA / USA
Mary Smits-van Osch
Culemborg, Netherlands
Renata Parisi
Claudia Prins
Jane Penland Hoover
Durham, NC / USA
(919) 308-7112
Imogen Howe
Redding, CT / USA
(203) 938-2740
Marjorie Ibsen
Kingston, PA / USA
(570) 709-1472
Jenny Polshek
Boston, MA / USA