The Power of Self-Reflection: From Comparison Anxiety to Proprioceptive Writing

By Andy Sporring on Medium

Diving In Deep To Your Deepest And Scariest Emotions Will Help You Move Forward To Your Future Self!

Self-reflection is a powerful tool that can help us better understand ourselves and our lives, leading to personal and professional growth. In today’s fast-paced world, social comparison has become a common phenomenon that often leads to comparison anxiety and poor mental health. However, by applying strategies such as practicing strength journaling, finding role models, partnering with a goal buddy, and creating a support circle, we can avoid the worst aspects of comparison anxiety and focus on our own journey.

Another effective way to support self-reflection is through proprioceptive writing. This technique combines writing and meditation to help individuals better understand their thoughts and emotions. By listening to our inner voices without judgment, we can identify our dreams and creative energy, rebuild our self-trust, and resolve emotional conflict while dissolving inhibitions.

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Writing Back to the Self